Saturday 19 September 2009

New York City - Rediscovered

A year ago to the day, I was running up and down Manhattan trying to get a Malaysian visa (I'd initially planned to travel via Malaysia on my round the world trip because Malaysia had a visa-on-arrival for Indians. They changed that rule shortly after I'd bought tickets!!)

I'd been to NYC before, as a 9 year old (for 2 days, all I remember from that trip is how cool it was to be on the 24th floor of a hotel!) and then again in 2005 (when I stayed with my uncle and aunt who had a flat in Manhattan for a year).

This time was different in many ways - I was not trying to see things (having already ticked the major attractions off my list on previous visits) - but was happy to just hang out with Chitra and Swati and Mukul and Rahul. The highlights of this trip were the Staten Island Ferry (ok, so I lied about not wanting to do the touristy things :-)), an evening at the MoMA (where I absolutely loved the Picasso sculptures, and the micro pre-fab housing display), and pizza at America's first official pizzeria!

See the pictures below for more:

2008 NYC

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